Heroes of the Eight Realms released for Age of Sigmar Chris Brown Warhammer February 16, 2020 0Six new heroes are joining the fight for the Mortal Realms as Games Workshop releases a host of characters for...
Mega Warcry Warband release as favourite factions are added Chris Brown Warhammer February 12, 2020 0Some of your favourite Warhammer factions are joining the fray and heading into the Bloodwind Spoil in Games Workshop’s latest...
New Seraphon Battletome announced for AoS Chris Brown Warhammer January 25, 2020 0That’s right, your friendly celestial lizards are getting a brand new Battletome for Age of Sigmar, bringing with it a...
Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers announced for Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave Chris Brown New releases January 4, 2020 0Not even an hour into its New Year Open Day and the releases are already pouring out of Warhammer HQ....
The Lord of Change cometh with new Aether War release Chris Brown New releases December 30, 2019 02019 was a big year for Warhammer with a wealth of armies getting updates. Well, this trend is continuing into...
Flesh-eater Courts descend on Warhammer Underworlds Chris Brown Tabletop Gaming October 14, 2019 0On a mission to slay the beast that dwells at the heart of the living mountain, The Grymwatch have descended...