Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender returns with a promise

Aang, Sokka, Katara and the rest of the gang join forces once again, this time in comic book format as peace amongst the four nations is threatened.

Originally published in hardback format in 2012, Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise was the first graphic novel to continue the story of the Aang after the end of the hit Nickelodeon TV show.

Published by Dark Horse and written by Gene Luen Yang (Boxers & Saints, New Super-Man) with series creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, and art by the renowned team at Gurihiru, The Promise will hit comic book stores in paperback format next year, collecting parts 1-3 of the epic saga.

Aang and friends must join together once again as the four nations’ tenuous peace is threatened by an impasse between Fire Lord Zuko and Earth King Kuei! As the world heads toward another devastating war, Aang’s friendship with Zuko places him in the middle of the conflict!

Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise omnibus collection hits comics shelves June 17, 2020 and bookstores June 30, 2020. This paperback omnibus features over 200 pages and is available for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, TFAW, and at your local comic shop.

For more Avatar: The Last Airbender comics, visit the Dark Horse website. For other comic book news from us, click here.