Apex Legends expands into comics Chris Brown New Releases March 26, 2021 0Writer Jesse Stern is joined by artist Neil Edwards (Assassin’s Creed, Dark Avengers), inker Keith Champagne (Stranger Things, The Strain), and...
Horrors abound in Parasomnia miniseries from Dark Horse Chris Brown New Releases March 20, 2021 0From acclaimed horror creators Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team) and Andrea Mutti (Prometheus, Starship Down), alongside letterer...
The world of The Witcher continues in Witch’s Lament Chris Brown New Releases March 20, 2021 0Acclaimed CD PROJEKT RED writer and narrative manager Bartosz Sztybor is joined by artist Vanesa R. del Rey, colorist Jordie...
Fenris returns in Dragon Age: Dark Fortress comics Chris Brown New Releases January 27, 2021 0Fans of Dragon Age will continue their journey across Thedas this spring in the new upcoming series, Dragon Age: Dark...
Interview: Dragon Age Blue Wraith Chris Brown Features November 27, 2019 0Fenris–the beloved character from Dragon Age II–makes his comic debut in Dragon Age: Blue Wraith. We speak to the creative team...